Sometimes you may want to change your services name, price, category, or even tag different staff and more of your services. Just follow this simple guide to change any detail of your services.
Edit category (optional) #
At least one category must be add/edited because each services must be tag to one category.
Edit Services #
Edit Service Details #
- Image : upload an service image with size of 800×800 in jpeg or PNG format.
- Service Name : key in name of your service
- Category : Select which category for this service
- Price : set price of the service. If you service is FREE, please set it 0.00
- Enable Deposit : If you want to take certain deposit upfront, please tick it.
- Duration : set how long is the service? E.g barber normal haircut is 20min, then set it to 20min
- Time slot length : recomended to set to “Slot Length as Service Duration”
- Buffer time before : Time before the booked service you need to get preparation, so other customer can’t book that buffer time
- Buffer time after : Time after the booked service you need to rest, so other customer can’t book that buffer time
- Hide price in booking panel : If your service is FREE and don’t want to show price, then toggle ON this
- Hide duration in booking panel : toggle ON this if you want to hide.
- Capacity : how may people can you service at a same time. Default is Alone (1 person). If you want to service more people, please select “Group” and insert the “Maximum Capacity”
- Note : this note will appear at front end booking panel as a short description of the service. Leave blank if you don’t want to show.
- After done, click “Add Service”
Edit Service Staff #
- You can tag staffs who can perform this service.
- If you got error message : Dear user No more Staff exists for select!, you will need to add a staff at Dashboard > Staffs > Add New Staff. Then you can tag the staff for this service again.
Edit Time Sheet (Optional) #
- Weekly Schedule : This is useful when your service bookable weekly schedule is different from your company operating time. For example : Company HQ operate from 9am – 5pm ; where as this service can be booked from 10am – 10pm daily. Then you just toggle ON the “Configure specific timesheet”, and fill in the service bookable time will do.
- Special Day : This is useful when your service is bookable on special day and time, where your company HQ is closed as set by you. Let say your company HQ is closed on Hari Raya on 5th May 2022, but your service is bookable on that day, then add this special day in the service and your customer can book in the front end panel.
Edit Extra Service (Optional) #
- This is particularly useful when you want to cross sell your service, or make customer life easy by booking all other services they interested.
- For example, a car wash center has a service name : Normal Car Wash RM 12.00. The center can add extra service e.g : Car Wax RM 120. Then customer can add this extra service during their booking.
Edit Setting (Optional) #
- The default payment method is Local – pay at your shop. You can rename the word Local following this guide
- If you use our system to integrate Stripe or Paypal, then you can choose specific payment method here.
- If not you just leave it to the default setting.