Booking Steps #
Change Booking Steps #
Locations #
- If you wish people to walk in to your branches or outlets, we recommend you to ON this location
- You can hide your location full address in front end panel by toggle ON the button.
- If you only do online meeting like zoom, we recommend you to OFF the location in front end.
Services #
- Service: recommended ON
- Service Extras: recommended ON only if you have extra services configured for individual services.
Staffs #
- Staff: recommneded ON
- Footer text per staff: you can show only staff email, phone, or phone & email, or dont show phone & email
- Enable any staff option: you can configure rule base on your own preference
Confirmation #
- Confirmation: recommneded ON
- Hide payment methods section: if you don’t collect online payment, we recommend it set it OFF
- Do not show discount row: recommended OFF
- Hide price section: recommended OFF
- Hide coupon section: recommended OFF
Cart #
- If you want to disable multibooking feature, the toggle OFF cart and the front end will not be able to do multiple bookings.
- However if you want to enable multibooking feature, you need to toggle ON the cart.
Finish #
- URL of “Finish Booking” button: you can put ONE url of any of your website, Facebook page, Instagram link, Twitter, Linkedin account. This will link them to the URL when they press the button.
- Hide Add to Google Calender: recommended OFF
- Hide Start New Booking: recomended OFF
- Hide confirmation number: recomended OFF