To send email confirmation to customer/staff upon a new booking made, you may follow this simple guide
Create New Workflow #
- Name: This is a name for you to easily recognize
- When this happen : Select New Booking
- Do this : Select send email
- Then press CREATE button
Setup Filter (optional) #
This is useful if you want the email to send to particular booking on location, service, or staff. If not, you can just skip this.
Setup email template #
You may use the template guide below and change according to your preference. Just copy and paste where neccessary
- To : Customer email , Staff email, admin email if you like
- Subject :
[{appointment_status}] Booking #{appointment_id} : {service_name}
- Body : Copy and paste template below, and edit to your own preference. Below are three (3) different workflow, we think the first template is good enough, if you want to use all three, you need to create three seperate workflows.